Saudaraku... My Kins...
Sep 2008
Si botak sangat teruja. Dapat award dari Akhi Shah (terima kasih ya akhi. award ni sangat bermakna.:D )dan dapat akhirnya memuatnaik gambar Mad GG. Mad GG plak adalah anak Kekanda Tikus yang lahir pada 2 Mei yang lalu. Dah beso dah... hehehe. Award ni berfungsi macam yang tertera kat bawah:-
Si Botak is too overwhelmed now. Got an award from Akhi Shah (thanks my dear brother. This award means a lot to me. :D ) and finally managed to upload Mad GG's pics. Mad GG is Kekanda Tikus' son that was born on 2nd of May ago. He's grown... hehehe.
Si botak sangat teruja. Dapat award dari Akhi Shah (terima kasih ya akhi. award ni sangat bermakna.:D )dan dapat akhirnya memuatnaik gambar Mad GG. Mad GG plak adalah anak Kekanda Tikus yang lahir pada 2 Mei yang lalu. Dah beso dah... hehehe. Award ni berfungsi macam yang tertera kat bawah:-
Si Botak is too overwhelmed now. Got an award from Akhi Shah (thanks my dear brother. This award means a lot to me. :D ) and finally managed to upload Mad GG's pics. Mad GG is Kekanda Tikus' son that was born on 2nd of May ago. He's grown... hehehe.

Mad GG & patung beruangnya
Mad GG & his teddy

Mad GG dengan Kak Aimi & Adik One (Mad Jijan yang tak nak dipanggil abang)
Mad GG with Kak Aimi & Adik One (Mad Jijan who doesnt want to be called big bro.)

Mad GG

Brilliant Weblog is a prize given to sites and blogs that are smart and brilliant both in their content and their design.The purpose of the prize is to promote as many blogs as possible in the blogspere.Here are the rules to follow:
1.Put the logo on your blog
2.Add link to the person who awarded you
3.Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4.Add links to those blogs on yours
5.Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
Jadi, mereka yang bertuah adalah...
So, the lucky ones are...
1. Kak Lily - Kekandaku yang sangat gigih lagi tabah. Dia adalah inspirasi si botak untuk terus berkarya.
Kak Lily - My dear sis whom is a very strong and sturdy. She is si botak's inspiration to keep on writing.
2. Haaziq - Si budak biru yang sentiasa menulis sesuatu yang jujur.
Haaziq - the blue boy who always write honest stuffs.
3. Alex Medina - Orang jauh yang masih fasih berbahasa ibunda walau dikelilingi mat saleh... hehehe.
Alex Medina - A far person who still speak his mother language fluently though surrounded by foreigners.
4. Akeem - Anak muda yang sungguh besar hatinya...
Akeem - A young boy who has an extemely big heart...
5. Tak dapat fikir dah.
Couldn't think anymore.