Saudaraku... My Kins...

Israel & Palestin, Bilakan sudahnya.... Israel & Palestine, When will it end....
Salam. Lama sudah si botak tak bertandang ke laman ini. Penuh dengan sawang sudah. Malam ini terpanggil si botak untuk kembali menarikan mata kalam yang makin tumpul.

Bumi Gaza bergolak lagi! Si botak terdiam. Antara marah, sedih dan keliru. Marah si botak pada Israel dan juga negara Islam yang kaya raya namun asyik nak bertelagah antara satu sama lain. Sedih mengenang nasib penduduk Gaza yang kian tertindas. Si botak lantas jadi keliru mengenangkan pada siapa nak mereka mengadu nasib? Pada PBB? NATO? OIC?

Israel iaitu Zionis merupakan kaum yang kita semua faham adalah sekumpulan manusia yang ternyata tidak pernah puas apatah lagi nak bersyukur. Kaum yang berasal daripada Nabi Allah Ishak ibn Nabi Allah Ibrahim Khalilullah ini sangat terkenal di dalam lembaran sahifah sejarah. Malah Al Quran juga memaparkan kisah mereka. Al Baqarah terutamanya, satu per tiga surah kedua ini menceritakan kedegilan serta keingkaran Yahudi. Malah surah ini dinamakan bersempena satu kisah penting yang menceritakan kedegilan mereka, yang suka bertanya sedangkan perintah yang jelas telah diwahyukan.

Dan ingatlah ketika Musa berkata kepada kaumnya, " sesungguhnya, Allah memerintahkan kamu menyembelih seekor lembu betina (al baqarah)." Mereka berkata, "Apakah kau mempersendakan kami (wahai Musa)?" Berkatalah (Musa), "sesungguhnya dengan nama Allah, aku berlindung daripada orang - orang yang jahil."

Mereka berkata, "panggillah tuhanmu supaya Dia terangkan apakah yang sebenarnya." Dia (Musa) berkata, " sesungguhnya ia adalah seekor lembu yang tidak terlalu tua, tidak terlalu muda, tetapi antara keduanya, maka laksanakanlah apa yang telah diperintahkan atas kamu."

Mereka berkata, "panggillah tuhanmu supaya Dia jelaskan apakah warna lembu itu." Dia (Musa) berkata, " sesungguhnya ianya berwarna kuning terang, menyenangkan sesiapa jua yang memandangnya."

Mereka berkata, "panggillah tuhanmu supaya Dia terangkan kepada kami. Kepada kami semua lembu adalah sama. Jika Allah terangkan, barulah kami mendapat panduan."

Dia (Musa) berkata, " ianya seekor lembu yang tak terlatih membajak tanah atau mengangkut air, berbunyi, dan warnanya kuning terang. Dan mereka berkata, "Kau telah bawa kebenaran". Dan mereka menyembelih lembu itu sedangkan mereka hampir ingkar untuk berbuat demikian.

Al Baqarah : 67-71

Jadi si botak langsung tak pelik jika Yahudi asyik aniaya penduduk Palestin. Memang mereka sah ternyata zalim lagi degil.

Si botak marah dengan negara Arab yang kaya macam Arab Saudi dan Jordan yang boleh bagi hadiah beratus ribu dollar untuk Condolesa Rice tapi senyap sunyi bila Palestin dijarah Yahudi.

Si botak juga tak marah sangat pada PBB atau NATO. Ini persatuan atau pertubuhan yang majoriti ahlinya adalah penganut ajaran memuja Al Maseh. Mereka ini mahukan al Aqsa runtuh agar dapat didirikan Kuil kedua Sulaiman atas tapak masjid suci itu. Mereka percaya bahawa dengan terdirinya kuil itu, maka Al Maseh akan turun dan dunia akan aman sebelum kiamat. Jadi buat apa mereka nak halang perbuatan Israel?

Apa yang penting adalah kita. Umat Islam yang banyak tertebar ini, BERSATULAH!


Salam. It has been quite a while since si botak was here last. It has been gathering webs. Tonight si botak is called to move this blunt pen once again.

Gaza is under great turmoil, again! Si botak was speechless and mad and sad and confused. Si botak's anger was upon the Israelites and the rich Islamic Nations whom chose to fight with each other, rather than helping out. Si botak became sad to learn the terrible blows over the Palestinian. Finally, the confusion emerged when si botak tried to think, to which party shall the Palestinian turn for a piece of solice, the UN? NATO? OIC?

The Israelites or the Zionist are a bunch of greedy and ungrateful people. This group of people who claimed descendancy straight to the Prophet Isaac ben Abraham Khalilullah is really known throughout history. Even the Qoran cited their stories. Al Baqarah, the second verse particularly, told about their stubborness and defiance in one third of its verse. This verse was even named after an event that showed their defiance, love to ask so many unnecessary questions hence the clear command had been passed.

And (remember) when Musa (Moses) said to his people: "Verily, Allâh commands you that you slaughter a cow." They said, "Do you make fun of us?" He said, "I take Allâh's Refuge from being among Al-Jahilun (the ignorants or the foolish)."

They said, "Call upon your Lord for us that He may make plain to us what it is!" He said, "He says, 'Verily, it is a cow neither too old nor too young, but (it is) between the two conditions', so do what you are commanded."

They said, "Call upon your Lord for us to make plain to us its colour." He said, "He says, 'It is a yellow cow, bright in its colour, pleasing to the beholders.' "

They said, "Call upon your Lord for us to make plain to us what it is. Verily to us all cows are alike, And surely, if Allâh wills, we will be guided."

He [Musa (Moses)] said, "He says, 'It is a cow neither trained to till the soil nor water the fields, sound, having no other colour except bright yellow.' " They said, "Now you have brought the truth." So they slaughtered it though they were near to not doing it.

Al Baqarah : 67 - 71

Thus, si botak never find it strange if the Jews are surpressing the Palestinian. They are a bunch of cruel and stubborn people.

Si botak is more angry towards Saudi Arabia and Jordan, which could spend a few hundred thousand dollars to buy souveniers for Condolesa Rice yet do nothing when the Israelites attacked Gaza.

Si botak is also not very angry when it comes to the UN and NATO. These are associations monopolised by those who worship the divinity of Christ. These people wish that Al Aqsa be demolished as to ensure the building of the Second Temple of Solomon. They believe that when the temple is erected, Christ shall descend and the world shall be at peace before the apocalypse. Thus, why should they interfere when the act of the Jews is so important for some of them?

The most important thing is us. The many Moslem out there, BE UNITED!

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