Saudaraku... My Kins...
Khalifahku yang sudah lebih lapan dekad usianya, berbalut namun masih terukir senyum
Si Nizam awoken si botak from a deep sleep. Si botak still in between the two realms, grabbed the phone handed by him.
Kekanda Tikus :
"I want to tell you something. Don't be alarmed. Apak fell off in the bathroom. He's now on his way to the hospital"
Si botak straight away pull off the remaining self in the realm of the dream. Started to push the keypad on Mr Graham Bell's creation's evolution to secure a better view on the tragedy.
My Caliph (My father) fell off in the bathroom!
Si botak was torn apart. Whether to go back or not. Si botak could not drive. Has to depend on friends' mercy. Si Nizam and the rest were occupied on other matters. Si botak screamed silently.
My Caliph is healing though there is a big wound decorating the back of his head hidden by a piece of bandage. My Caliph is getting better though there will be time he would be having difficulty breathing for fighting the pain.

Bergegar hati dan fikiran. Luruh segala dinding yang membendung satu memori. Jatuh, satu persatu.
The heart and mind shake. Walls that used to surround a memory, collapsed. Pieces by pieces.
Feelings started to shatter.Everything was mixed up. Anger, sad, happy. Blended together and triggered laughter and tears.
Flying far away. Smashed on once upon a time. When si botak did not know himself, still had not known the world. This anklet resided on the left ankle. put by someone, whom understand.
Embracing the yearn. Holding tightly so it would not slipped again. That someone has never returned. Si botak failed to trace the trails. The moment a drop of tears touched the floor, si botak sobbed following the rhythm of the bell.
Two almost identical voices yet not at all the same. Each tries to state their opinions and of course want to win.
In the name of Allah the Most Generous and Most Compassionate
Si botak is not knowledgable. Yet remember words said by the ustaz, ustazah, reminding, Allah is rahman (generous) towards all mankinds and is rahim (compassionate) to Moslems.
Si botak is hearing then words uttered by some Chinese friends in the village. Words such as Lailahaillallah, Astaghfurulahal'adzim, masya'allah, are often said by them. Even in P Ramlee's movie, Ali Baba Bujang Lapok, the Apek character have said , Tuhan Alla.
Isn't that Christianity and Jewism are the first people whom received the early revealation, yet then became strayed and disobidient? Thus, basically they still worship Allah though strayed? Do correct this if si botak was mistaken.
Even Dr Fatma El Zahra once told that, there are many Christians in Egypt and they also use, Insya'allah & Masya'allah. Must we be so upset when the Christians decided to use Allah's name? Why have us not be mad when the mas kahwin (wedding's gift from husband to wife) is not following Allah's rules? Why have us not be angry when the poligamy is also not exacly as stated in Surah An Nisa'? By the way, isn't that by revolving around this matter, we somehow admit that there are OTHER GODS beside Allah?
Si botak was drifting. Si botak doesn't have the answer. Still, si botak tried to spark a flame so that the answer shall be here in the end.
Si botak tertarik bila mendengar suara manis J bukan nama sebenar (hahaha!) yang asyik membaca mengenai kegemilangan sebuah empayar di Asia Tengah. Empayar yang cukup luas sehingga berjaya menguasai tampuk pemerintahan Mesir Purba.
Empayar Farsi atau Parsi merupakan sebuah kerajaan yang sangat hebat. Bermula dengan kemunculan Empayar Madyan yang diasaskan oleh Madyan ibn Nabi Allah Ibrahim Khalilullah sekitar 525 sebelum Masehi sebelum dikuasai pula oleh keturunan Kurus atau Cyrus The Great dibawah Empayar Achaemenid dan diakhiri oleh Empayar Sasaniah pada sekitar 643 dan 650 Masehi melalui salah satu medan perang terkenal iaitu Peperangan Nihawand.
Apa yang menarik ialah legasi keturunan empayar ini. Pabila keluarga Sasaniah tewas, Huraits bin Jabir al-Hanafi yang telah dilantik untuk menjaga tanah Parsi telah menyerahkan dua puteri Yazdigird III ibn Shahriyar ibn Khusrow iaitu Maharaja Parsi terakhir kepada Saidina Ali Karamullah Wajhah radhiallahuanh.
Salah seorang puteri ini, Puteri Syahrubanu atau juga dikenali sebagai Syahzanan telah diambil menjadi menantu Saidina Ali, dikahwinkan dengan Saidina Hussain radhiallahuanh. Hasilnya, lahirlah Imam Ali Zainal Abidin yang juga dikenali sebagai Ibn Al Khyaratayn (putera dari dua yang terbaik; Arab Quraish & Farsi). Sebermula dengan ini, lahirlah jurai keturunan Sayyid & Habaib yang akhirnya bertandang ke Tanah Melayu dan menguasai tampuk pemerintahan di sini. Malah, hampir semua Kesultanan Melayu pada masa sekarang masih boleh menjejak keturunan mereka melalui salasilah ini. Sebagai contoh, Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Yang Dipertuan Agong Al Wathiqu Billah Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin adalah juga sebahagian keturunan ini melalui Bunda Baginda, Sharifah Nong Al Saggaf.
Masih panjang kisah ini, namun si botak terasa berat pula mata ini. Kiranya ini adalah mukadimah terhadap satu lagi artikel di masa akan datang. Si botak harap dapat bertemu dengan ??? sejelita anak - anak Raja Farsi... hehehe...
The Persian Empire was a great government. It began with the Median Empire founded by Madyan ben prophet Abraham circa 525 BC before it was governed by the Achaemenid, the descendant of Cyrus the Great and finally ended in the reign of Sasanid Empire around 643 and 650 AD in one of the famous battle of all time, the Nihawand Battle.
The most interesting part is the legacy of this empire. When the Sasanids were defeated, Huraits bin Jabir al-Hanafi was appointed to govern the Persian land, had given two Yazdigird III ibn Shahriyar ibn Khusrow's (last Persian Emperor) princesses to Saidina Ali Karamullah Wajhah radhiallahuanh.
One the princesses was Syahrubanu or also known as Syahzanan had been married to Saidina Hussain radhiallahuanh. Imam Ali Zainal Abidin whom also known as Ibn Al Khyaratayn (prince of two of the best ; Quraish & Persian) was born. Starting from him, the Sayyid & Habaib which travelled to the Malay Archipelago and became the rulers. Most of the Malay Sultanates (whether still ruling or had been dethroned) could easily trace their descendancies through this bloodlines. For instance, His Majesty Yang Dipertuan Agong Al Wathiqu Billah Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin is also from this family through His mother, Her Royal Highness Sharifah Nong Al Saggaf.
This is indeed a long story to be told, yet si botak is almost asleep. This is an introduction to the forth coming article. Si botak wishes to meet ??? as charming as the Persian King's offspring... hehehe...
Inilah sebenarnya antara secebis syurga di dunia. Penghuninya adalah anak - anak istimewa yang sememangnya, antara penghuni syurga nanti. Rasa sungguh bertuah Si Nizam dapat ke sana dan menggembirakan anak - anak ini. Saidina Ali KaramullahuWajhah pernah bersabda, "Bahagiakanlah orang - orang cacat dan Insya'Allah akan terbuka satu pintu syurga buat kalian". Jadi tunggu apa lagi, mari kita lawati 'syurga di Ampang Hilir ini (Tasputra)' dan lain - lain rumah OKU. Bahagiakanlah penghuninya. Tak rugi pun...

Inilah adik Mohd Safuan (atas kerusi roda)
This is adik Mohd Sapuan (on wheelchair)
di belakang (dari kiri) Puan Hajah Elahe Norman, Puan Wahida, En Hashim
behind (from left) Puan Hajah Elahe Norman, Puan Wahida, En Hashim

(dari kiri) Puan Elahe, anak - anak istimewa Tasputra, Puan Grace (pembantu
paling lama di Tasputra)
(from left) Puan Elahe, the special children of Tasputra, Puan Grace (the most senior helper in Tasputra)
Antara aktiviti iaitu fisioterapi yang dilakukan bagi membantu adik - adik di Tasputra
Some of the activities held in Tasputra, physiotherapy as to help the children
Salam. Yesterday si botak hanged around with the boys at home. We were sharing our "a week's stories", stories of their experiences throughout last week. Various stories were shared. Some were funny, some were sad, some were lewd.... Hehehe. yet, Nizam's story was on top of every stories.
Last week, on 12th February 2009, thursday, Nizam has helped our neighbour, a couple which are so soft spoken, Puan Wahida & En Hashim, they were blessed with a very special child, Mohd Safuan.
Adik Mat (Mohs Safuan's nick name) needs a new wheelchair. Nizam contacted Puan Elahe (Tasputra PERKIM Chairman Click here to the website) for help. This is because si botak's wheelchair also obtained by her effort. To make a long story short, Adik Mat got the wheelchair.
What si botak is trying to share is the effort of Puan Elahe (an Iranian whom has stayed more than 30 years in Malaysia) and another remarkable lady, Puan Kahtleen Muna Othman (whom had gone back to London after stayed more than 40 years in Malaysia) to help the disable here in Malaysia. Their sweats and tears has brought this centre, Tasputra PERKIM to reality.
This is actually a piece of heaven on earth. The children here are the one whom has been confirmed to go to heaven. Nizam was so lucky to be able to be there and make the kids happy. Saidina Ali KaramullahuWajhah once said, "Make the disabled happy and there should be one door of heaven open for you" So what are we waiting for, go to this piece of heaven in Ampang Hilir(Tasputra), and other OKU home. Make them happy. There is nothing to loose...