Saudaraku... My Kins...
Inilah sebenarnya antara secebis syurga di dunia. Penghuninya adalah anak - anak istimewa yang sememangnya, antara penghuni syurga nanti. Rasa sungguh bertuah Si Nizam dapat ke sana dan menggembirakan anak - anak ini. Saidina Ali KaramullahuWajhah pernah bersabda, "Bahagiakanlah orang - orang cacat dan Insya'Allah akan terbuka satu pintu syurga buat kalian". Jadi tunggu apa lagi, mari kita lawati 'syurga di Ampang Hilir ini (Tasputra)' dan lain - lain rumah OKU. Bahagiakanlah penghuninya. Tak rugi pun...

Inilah adik Mohd Safuan (atas kerusi roda)
This is adik Mohd Sapuan (on wheelchair)
di belakang (dari kiri) Puan Hajah Elahe Norman, Puan Wahida, En Hashim
behind (from left) Puan Hajah Elahe Norman, Puan Wahida, En Hashim

(dari kiri) Puan Elahe, anak - anak istimewa Tasputra, Puan Grace (pembantu
paling lama di Tasputra)
(from left) Puan Elahe, the special children of Tasputra, Puan Grace (the most senior helper in Tasputra)
Antara aktiviti iaitu fisioterapi yang dilakukan bagi membantu adik - adik di Tasputra
Some of the activities held in Tasputra, physiotherapy as to help the children
Salam. Yesterday si botak hanged around with the boys at home. We were sharing our "a week's stories", stories of their experiences throughout last week. Various stories were shared. Some were funny, some were sad, some were lewd.... Hehehe. yet, Nizam's story was on top of every stories.
Last week, on 12th February 2009, thursday, Nizam has helped our neighbour, a couple which are so soft spoken, Puan Wahida & En Hashim, they were blessed with a very special child, Mohd Safuan.
Adik Mat (Mohs Safuan's nick name) needs a new wheelchair. Nizam contacted Puan Elahe (Tasputra PERKIM Chairman Click here to the website) for help. This is because si botak's wheelchair also obtained by her effort. To make a long story short, Adik Mat got the wheelchair.
What si botak is trying to share is the effort of Puan Elahe (an Iranian whom has stayed more than 30 years in Malaysia) and another remarkable lady, Puan Kahtleen Muna Othman (whom had gone back to London after stayed more than 40 years in Malaysia) to help the disable here in Malaysia. Their sweats and tears has brought this centre, Tasputra PERKIM to reality.
This is actually a piece of heaven on earth. The children here are the one whom has been confirmed to go to heaven. Nizam was so lucky to be able to be there and make the kids happy. Saidina Ali KaramullahuWajhah once said, "Make the disabled happy and there should be one door of heaven open for you" So what are we waiting for, go to this piece of heaven in Ampang Hilir(Tasputra), and other OKU home. Make them happy. There is nothing to loose...
salam..Alahmdulilah..masih ada yang baik hati..semoga lebih ramai yg prihatin...a good reminder for me too...apa kabar bro..
Wah...wah..pegi tak ajak akak ek? Terimgin kenaln sama Puan Elaha.
Tapi hari ini akak pun pi deting juga denganorang yang sangat baik hati :)
alhamdulillah dapat juga adik mat menemui rakan-rakannya yang lain.mudahan motivasinya bertambah kuat.
gigihnya usaha puan elahe dan mereka2 yang lain...mudahan diberkati.
salam arsaili...
khabar baik.... betulkan? semua ni ingatan buat kita semua juga
salam kak,
nanti kita pegi jenguk mereka ya.... ooo deting... hehehehe
salam masyitah
itu la... dapat juga adik mat melihat nasib rakan - rakan yang lain...
puan elahe dan yg lain memang sangat gigih....