Saudaraku... My Kins...

Cetera Cinta... Love Story...
Cinta. Satu patah kata cuma. Bertebaran serata alam. Kisahnya dikenang kenang. Kisahnya diulang ulang. Kisahnya ditayang tayang.

Laila & Majnun... Heer & Ranja... Romeo & Juliet...

Inikah sahaja kisah cinta? Si botak tertanya tanya. Apakah tiada lagi pencinta pencinta yang lain di seluruh pelosok maya ini? Apakah Muhammad SAW bukan pencinta? Apakah Mother Teresa bukan pencinta? Apakah Mahatma Ghandi bukan pencinta?

Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Shaiba (Abd al Mutallib) al Hashimi al Quraisy SAW cintakan Yang Maha Esa dan segala ajaranNya juga cintakan sekalian umat Baginda. Cinta Baginda kepada Yang Maha Penyayang terlalu besar hinggakan sanggup menempuh pelbagai onak dan ranjau demi menyebarkan ajaranNya. Jika tak kerana cinta Baginda, syiar Islamiah pasti takkan mekar tertebar ke seluruh dunia sampai ke hari ini. Tak cukup dengan itu, atas nama cinta juga, Baginda sanggup memberikan syafa'at tika Hari Penentuan di Timbangan Mizan kelak.

Agnesë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu atau lebih tersohor sebagai Mother Teresa pula sangat cintakan kebajikan. Selama 45 tahun anak kelahiran Skopje, Macedonia ini menabur bakti nun jauh beribu batu di Calcutta, India. Beliau begitu cintakan kebajikan hinggakan pada saat kematian beliau, pertubuhan yang diasaskan, Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity mempunyai 4, 000 rahib, pertubuhan persaudaraan lelaki (brotherhood) yang dianggotai 300 ahli, dan lebih daripada 100,000 sukarelawan yang menjalankan 610 misi kebajikan di 123 negara. Antara misinya melibatkan pusat rawatan dan rumah perlindungan bagi pesakit HIV?AIDS, kusta dan pesakit TB, selain dapur dapur sup, program kaunseling keluarga & kanak kanak, rumah anak anak yatim dan sekolah.

Tak ketinggalan juga betapa besarnya cinta Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi terhadap kedamaian. Dijuluki dengan gelaran Mahatma ataupun Jiwa Besar (pertamanya oleh Rabindranath Tagore) kerana kekuatan cinta beliau terhadap kedamaian. Beliau sanggup berlapar berhari hari demi tertegaknya perdamaian antara puak Hindu dan Islam di India. Begitu cinta beliau terhadap kedamaian, sampai sanggup mati asalkan saja ianya tercapai. Dan itulah yang berlaku.

Cinta cinta agung sebegini jarang benar diangkat darjatnya sebagai kisah cinta. Apa perlu kita sempitkan erti kisah cinta ini semata mata untuk cinta antara lelaki dan perempuan?


Love. A word only. Spreads all across the world. Its story remembered. Its story repeated. Its story presented.

Laila & Majnun... Heer & Ranja... Romeo & Juliet...

Are those the only love stories? Si botak wonders. Is there no other lovers in this entire world? Was Muhammad SAW no lover? Was Mother Teresa no lover? Was Mahatma Ghandi no lover?

Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Shaiba (Abd al Mutallib) al Hashimi al Quraisy SAW loved The Lord and The Lord's teaching as well as the Moslems. His love to The Lord was so great till he would gone through all sort of hindrances as to spread The Lord's teachings. If wasn't of his love, the ray of Islam wouldn't be spreaded throughout the world today. Not only that, in the name of love, he would give syafa'at (help) in the Judgement Day.

Agnesë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu or better known as Mother Teresa loved charity. For over 45 years this Skopje, Macedonia's born, spreading her sweat and tears miles away from her home; in Calcutta, India. She loved charity for so much till at the time of her death, Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity had over 4,000 sisters, an associated brotherhood of 300 members, and over 100,000 volunteers, operating 610 missions in 123 countries. These included hospices and homes for people with HIV/AIDS, leprosy, and tuberculosis, soup kitchens, children's and family counseling programs, personal helpers, orphanages, and schools.

Not to forget, how great the love of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi over peace. Called Mahatma or Big Soul (first by Rabindranath Tagore) because of the strength of his love over peace. He was willing to starve himself so that there would be peace between the Hindus and the Moslems in India. He was willing to die in the name of peace. So it happened.

Great tales of love like these seldom known as love stories. Do we really need to limit the definition of a love story for love between man and woman only?

9 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    hi there,

    thanks. i've never consider the story of mother teresa as a love story. it's so interesting to read your blog. i'll b back. keep it up!

    Steven Ling

  2. Kay Says:

    with ALLAH everything is gonna be fine...

  3. Adik Botak,

    Segala bentuk kebaikan adalah cinta. Cinta adalah mulia,jika tidak disempitkan sudut pandangnya.

    Bersama Allah hati akan sentiasa aman. Jika rusuh pun,sebentar cuma.

    Setuju dengan kay.

  4. tasekM Says:

    sesedap dia je panggil org botak. nk kena kuti peha dia nih... he he.

    salam singgah.

    aku melihat cinta di mana2. persahabatan juga cinta, bukan?



  5. mOEha Aziz Says:

    hi steven,

    thank you for dropping by and plans to keep on doing it. :p

  6. mOEha Aziz Says:

    salam kay,

    sangat bersetuju! :)

  7. mOEha Aziz Says:

    salam kak lily,

    betul, betul, betul. yg penting jgn sempitkan ia... :)

  8. mOEha Aziz Says:

    salam tasikmerah,

    jgn kutil peha akak lily... dah mmg adik dia ni botak... :P

    persahabatan antara cinta yg sgt kuat...

  9. a Says:

    tiada CINTA yg AGUNG melainkan CINTA ALLAH


    wa ALLAH hu alam~

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