Saudaraku... My Kins...

Si botak was busy as well. Busy having a conversation with Indra, Anak Uncle Sam. A lot of stuffs were talked about. Some were personals. Some could be categorised as gossips. There were a lot lah.
Si botak cherised in fact respected Indra's opinion. Yet while the effort to inhale the suria's (a cigeratte) failed. Si botak gulped.
Little si botak remained silent in protest.
Little si botak said to himself. "Ah, i want to be independent, to be free from these naggings. I had enough!"
So, to Mem Besar, do nag. Si botak doesn't want the independence anymore!!! Happy Independent Day...

Si botak sedang berjeda (pinjam kata kata Syed Munawar, Di Luar Lingkungan) selepas berbuka puasa. Maklumlah terlebih minum air jadi perut agak meragam. Padan muka si botak, dah dipesan berkali kali, "jangan minum air banyak masa berbuka. Nanti kembung perut." namun si botak masih gagal mengawal keinginan yang meluap luap itu.
Telefon berdering.
"Botak, sudah habis makan?" Ah Chin (tak tahu nama sebenar atau bukan) bertanya. Beliau merupakan saudara yang si botak temui dalam alam ini, alam maya. Tak punya blog. Namun sangat gemar melawat laman laman blog. Jangan terperanjat, satu hari mungkin kalian akan sedar kehadiran Ah Chin di laman anda dengan kata katanya yang sangat telus (tak ada lapik lapik lagi :>)
"Gua ada ikut lu pi itu blog Lawyer Kementelian ???. Gua ada baca itu entry pasat gaji. Lu ada kasi komen dan ada pulak olang sudah marah marah."
Alamak! Nampak gayanya si botak terpaksa dengar Ah Chin berleter.
"I have followed you to ??? Ministry's Lawyer blog. You commented on one entry on payment and pissed somebody off"
Si botak smiled. The conversation had long ended. Yet the truth in Ah Chin's words lingers in si botak's mind. When will our government fix the flow of our PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION SYSTEMS? When will the people be free from the REDTAPES?

Si botak kecil mengangguk.
"Jadi bila berbuka nanti, kamu tak boleh makan sama sama dengan semua orang."
"Kenapa? Ini tak adil!" Si botak kecil membentak.
"Sekarang bulan apa?" soal Mem Besar, lembut.
"Bulan puasa lah!" Si botak kecil membalas, keras.
"Yang puasa tak?"
Si botak kecil terdiam.
"Kan tak adil bagi semua orang kalau kamu makan sekali. Kamu tak puasa. Tak tahan lapar dahaga sepanjang hari. Bagilah orang yang penat puasa berbuka dulu ya. Esok, kalau berbuka sama sama, kita puasa sama sama ya?" Mem Besar tersenyum.
Anak Pakcik Tan answered,"He didn't fast for he's ill isn't it. So, it is a custom in this house, whomever didn't fast would only be eating after everybody else do so."
"Yang. you didn't fast isn't it?" asked Mem Besar.
Little si botak nodded.
"Why? This is unfair!" Little si botak sulked.
"What month is this?" asked Mem Besar, softly.
"It would be unfair isn't it for others if you join us during the break fasting. You didn't fast. Didn't have to hold your hunger and thirst all day long. Let those who do so break their fast first ya. Tomorrow, if you wished to join us, let us together fasting ya?" Mem Besar smiled.
Si botak reached for another dates. Put it in the mouth. Couldn't swallow it, feel bad to throw it. It was salty not sweet. Si botak came to senses, tears had soaked the dates in si botak's grasp. Reminiscing...

Salam Ramadan al Mubarak for all...

"Assalamualaikum si botak, Y (not a real name) here."
Si botak and Y making conversation.
"Si botak, i'm so frustrated," said Y, weak.

Si botak mencantum luka di seluar Anak Pakcik Budin. Besi tajam membawa benang pencantum bergerak lemah dikemudi tangan si botak. Si botak termangu seketika. Wahai, alangkah agung kurniaan-Nya! Terfikir manusia untuk menghasilkan benang dan jarum. Bolehlah luka - luka di penutup tubuh ini dicantum kembali. Bayangkan benda seseni bebenang boleh digunakan untuk mencantum. Boleh digunakan untuk menampal carik.
Why don't we also use other fine material in mending the huge gap within us? The tear in human relationship is widening. All these fight supposedly in The Lord's name. All religions (as if) teach the followers to hate other religion. Is it really true that The Lord ask us to be hostile towards each other? si botak remembered the verse 13 in Surah Al Hujurat;
O mankind! Lo! We have created you male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. Lo! the noblest of you, in the sight of Allah, is the best in conduct. Lo! Allah is Knower, Aware.
Thus, why don't we try to find any similarities in all beliefs? Just in case, we could find any similarities there. Just in case, though as small as it would be, it shall reveal enlightment into our heart. Just in case, from these similarities, shall there be respect, that finally leads to peace. Just in case...
For the people of the books, Islam, Christian & Jew. There is Yafith (for Moslem), Japheth (for Christian & Jew). Who could this Yafith/Japheth guy be?
Ibnu Sa'ad in Tabaqat Al Kubra mentioned a hadith told by Ismail bin Uyasy from Yahya bin Sa'id from Sa'id bin Musayyab explained by Prophet Muhammad PBUH that there were Sam/Shem, Haam and Yafith/Japheth whom were the sons of Nuh/Noah (after the big flood). Each of them had 33 children. There! The name of Yafith mention by Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
Meanwhile in the first verse in Genesis 10, stated, "This is the account of Shem, Ham and Japheth, Noah's sons, who themselves had sons after the flood". There! Once again the name of Yafith/Japheth mentioned.
In fact for those who love mythologies, should be familiar with Iapetus (one of the Titans, god in ancient Greek) and also Jupiter (one of the gods in Roman myth). Look how similar the sound of their names (once said) to Yafith/Japheth/Prajapati. Isn't this a very exciting coincidence?
What if all these figures turn out to be the same person? Shouldn't this mean that the statement of Prophet Muhammad PBUH that "all man are kins", was true enough. This could be the very foundation in beginning the first step to find other similaries, so that finally we could stop all these fights.

"You botak seem happy all the time." "You botak smile most of the time." "You botak is getting more chubby." These are common reactions si botak is getting.
Si botak is no Joker! Si botak is definitely not Sang Semar! Si botak will never be Muse!
Sometime si botak wonders. Does si botak need to let everything out? Maybe then somebody will understand.
Si botak is not being Calculative! Si botak is not at all Selfish! Si botak is just Speechless, when si botak is Gasping, there is no hand Holding It!
Sometime si botak is touch. Does si botak need to beg? Maybe then someone will understand.
Si botak is drifting. There is no sight of shore. The wind is gone. Si botak is all alone in this ocean without an end...

What to say. Si botak strongly believes that this virus is a stern reminder for us all. Why it is spread by pig? Why those who didn't eat pork also bound to be infected? Si botak is certain that this is THE LORD's unique way of warning us all to stop.
Stop riba! Riba is forbidden, eating pork is too.
Stop stealing! Eating stolen stuffs are forbidden, eating pork is too.
Bercakap mengenai ANUGERAH ANUGERAH, si botak ingin memanjatkan sekali lagi rasa kesyukuran terhadap-NYA. Ini adalah kerana si botak teringat pula tiga ANUGERAH yang paling berharga telah dikurniakan-NYA kepada keluarga si botak.
ANUGERAH ini datang dalam bentuk tiga anak anak comel kepunyaan Kekanda Tikus. Che Nur Aimi Azreen merupakan anugerah pertama. Kini berusia 13 tahun, seorang anak gadis yang tinggi lampai (tingginya kini menghampiri 6 kaki). Seorang kakak yang penyayang walaupun masih terdapat cebis cebis perangai anak anak.
Che Muhammad Aiman Azizan pula merupakan jejaka kacak di dalam keluarga. Orangnya sentiasa tenang dan tidak banyak kata. Namun sesekali berbicara, jelas tampak kematangan yang melangkaui usianya yang baru mencecah 10 tahun cuma.
Akhir sekali, lahir pula, Che Muhammad Aiman Azizi yang sangat comel. Baru berusia setahun dua bulan, namun lagaknya seperti anak anak berusia lebih dua tahun usia. Petah berkata kata dan sangat montel.
Anugerah sebegini sering kita terlepas pandang. Bayangkan betapa hambar hidup kita tanpa kehadiran anak anak kecil. Kita sering biarkan zaman kecil mereka berlalu tanpa cuba menikmatinya. Sedar sedar, mereka sudah dewasa dan mula membuat karenah.
Bayangkan juga betapa bertuahnya kita, diberi peluang mendengar hilai tawa mereka, melayan celoteh mereka. Sedang, masih ramai di luar sana yang masih belum dikurnai rahmat ini. Hargailah anak anak kecil di sekeliling kita.
Che Nur Aimi Azreen
Che Muhammad Aiman Azizan
Che Muhammad Aiman Azizi

Three months. Ninety five days to be exact. Si botak was in silence. Too much had been through, till couldnt be mentioned. The most important thing, si botak is back.
The Gurindam was then perfected as well as beautified by oleh Enda Tik and Cikgu Azizah (she is a wonderful writer also a proud mother of Ustaz Badlishah Alauddin and Anis Salwa Alauddin).
This Gurindam finally was put in honour by a wonderful singing of Anis Salwa Alauddin (winner of Bintang Klasik Nusantara) during a special royal gala / dinner (Majlis Santapan / Jamuan Malam Mesra Diraja Bersama KDYMM Sultan Pahang & DYMM Sultanah Pahang) held by PERKIM Ladies of Pahang. It was the breaking point that lead si botak to Kuantan Mahkota Palace. Thank you so much dearest Enda Tik. Enda was the one who made this a reality.
Speaking of THE GIFTS, si botak would love to once again expressing a great gratitude to THE LORD. This is because si botak remembers three GIFTS blessed by THE LORD to si botak and family.
These are the gifts that we normally take for granted. Imagine how dull would our lifes be without the presence of children. We tend to let their childhood passed without trying to enjoy it. Suddenly, they will grow up and start to be difficult.
Imagine how lucky we are, to have the opportunity to listen to their laughters, to put up with their sweet and cute behaviour. Still, there are so many out there whom have yet to be blessed with this gift. Do treasure children around us.