Saudaraku... My Kins...

Meniti Pemisah Seseni Benang (siri 1)... Walking On A Fine Line (series 1)...

Si botak mencantum luka di seluar Anak Pakcik Budin. Besi tajam membawa benang pencantum bergerak lemah dikemudi tangan si botak. Si botak termangu seketika. Wahai, alangkah agung kurniaan-Nya! Terfikir manusia untuk menghasilkan benang dan jarum. Bolehlah luka - luka di penutup tubuh ini dicantum kembali. Bayangkan benda seseni bebenang boleh digunakan untuk mencantum. Boleh digunakan untuk menampal carik.

Kenapa tak kita gunakan benda halus lain untuk mencantum jurang beza antara kita. Luka di dalam hubungan kemanusiaan semakin besar. Semua pertelagahan dimulakan atas nama-Nya. Kononnya setiap ajaran agama menggalakkan permusuhan dengan penganut kepercayaan lain. Benarkah Yang Kuasa meminta agar kita bermusuh musuh? Si botak terkenang ayat ke-13 Surah Al Hujurat;

Wahai umat manusia! Sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan kamu dari lelaki dan perempuan dan Kami telah menjadikan kamu berbagai bangsa dan bersuku puak, supaya kamu berkenal-kenalan (dan beramah mesra antara satu dengan yang lain). Sesungguhnya semulia-mulia kamu di sisi Allah ialah orang yang lebih takwanya di antara kamu, (bukan yang lebih keturunan atau bangsanya). Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Mendalam PengetahuanNya (akan keadaan dan amalan kamu).

Apakah pula bahan pencantum sehalus bebenang yang boleh digunakan untuk merapatkan jurang antara manusia kini? Si botak terfikir akan kata - kata Almarhumah Moyang; "Jika ada pihak berbeza pandangan, hampir pula bermusuhan kerana perbezaan itu, cari persamaan walau sebesar zarah, maka akan hilanglah rasa marah dan timbullah keinsafan"

Maka, kenapa tidak kita cuba cari persamaan yang mungkin ada di dalam mana mana kepercayaan dan adat resam? Manalah tahu, jika ada persamaan walau sebesar zarah maka akan terbit keinsafan dalam hati. Mungkin juga jika nampak persamaan walau sebesar hama cuma, akan lahirlah hormat, berputiklah kedamaian. Manalah tahu...

Si botak teringat beberapa persamaan kecil yang masih perlu diperhalus agar kesahihannya terbukti. Di dalam Rig Veda dan juga Puranas (kitab suci bagi penganut Hindu), terdapat nama Prajapati atau juga dikenali sebagai Dyaus Pitar iaitu salah satu Dewa utama Hindu yang dikenali sebagai Dewa Pencipta. Jadi di mana letak persamaan?

Bagi penganut Ajaran wahyu, Islam, Kristian & Yahudi, terdapat pula nama Yafith (bagi orang Islam), Japheth (bagi orang Kristian & Yahudi). Siapa pula manusia bernama Yafith/Japheth ini?

Ibnu Sa'ad di dalam kitab Tabaqat Al Kubra menyatakan satu hadis yang diriwayat oleh Ismail bin Uyasy dari Yahya bin Sa'id dari Sa'id bin Musayyab diterangkan oleh Rasulullah SAW bahawa putera Nuh (yang masih tinggal selepas banjir besar) adat tiga orang, iaitu; Sam, Haam dan Yaafith. Setiap seorang dari mereka mempunyai 33 orang anak. Nah! Ada nama Yaafith dinyatakan Junjungan Besar SAW bukan?

Manakala di dalam ayat pertama Genesis 10 (kitab suci Yahudi yang juga dikenali sebagai Bereshith dan juga merupakan Catatan Lama bagi Orang Kristian), menyatakan bahawa, "Ini merupakan kisah Shem, Ham dan Japheth, anak anak Noah, yang masing masing mempunyai ramai anak selepas banjir besar". Nah! Sekali lagi nama Yafith/Japheth dinyatakan.

Malah bagi yang meminati kisah kisah mitos, pasti kenal dengan watak Iapetus (salah satu Titan, iaitu gergasi yang dipercayai salah satu dewa Greek purba) dan juga Jupiter (salah satu lagi dewa tetapi bagi mitos Rom pula). Perhatikan bahawa bunyi nama nama tadi adalah sangat menghampiri Yafith/Japheth/Prajapati. Bukankah ini satu kebetulan yang sangat menyeronokkan?

Bagaimana jika semua watak dan nama di atas sememangnya orang yang sama? Bukankah ini menunjukkan bahawa pernyataan "semua manusia adalah bersaudara" seperti ajaran Muhammad SAW, adalah terbukti benar. Ini juga boleh menjadi asas utama untuk memulakan langkah awal mencari persamaan persamaan lain, agar akhirnya kita semua tak perlu bertelagah lagi.

Si botak tersenyum. Selembar benang dapat mencantumkan sebesar carik di seluar Anak Pakcik Budin. Alangkah bagusnya jika sehalus persamaan ini dapat merapatkan pula sebesar pertelingkahan yang kononnya diatas nama Tuhan! Alangkah bagusnya...


Si botak was putting together the tear on Anak Pakcik Budin's pants. The sharp iron driving the joining thread moved faintly as governed by si botak's hand. Si botak stopped and wonder. Alas, how great the gift of The Lord! Until man could think of creating this fine thread and the sharp needle. Then the tear in our raiment could be sealed. Imagine how this fine thread could be used in mending tear. Could be used in patching.

Why don't we also use other fine material in mending the huge gap within us? The tear in human relationship is widening. All these fight supposedly in The Lord's name. All religions (as if) teach the followers to hate other religion. Is it really true that The Lord ask us to be hostile towards each other? si botak remembered the verse 13 in Surah Al Hujurat;

O mankind! Lo! We have created you male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. Lo! the noblest of you, in the sight of Allah, is the best in conduct. Lo! Allah is Knower, Aware.

What is the fine material to be used in mending this tear between man? Si botak could not help it but to recall the wise words of Almarhumah Moyang (the late Great Grandma); "If there should be any party of different views, should that differences lead to hostility, find any similarity though as small as it would be, then all angers shall be put off and there should be revelations"

Thus, why don't we try to find any similarities in all beliefs? Just in case, we could find any similarities there. Just in case, though as small as it would be, it shall reveal enlightment into our heart. Just in case, from these similarities, shall there be respect, that finally leads to peace. Just in case...

Si botak remembered a few similarities that still needed to be seriously studied as should it be verified. In the Rig Veda as well as the Puranas (holy books of the Hindu), there is this name of Prajapati also called Dyaus Pitar that happens to be one of major Gods in Hinduism that known to be Lord of the Creator. So where does the similarity lies?

For the people of the books, Islam, Christian & Jew. There is Yafith (for Moslem), Japheth (for Christian & Jew). Who could this Yafith/Japheth guy be?

Ibnu Sa'ad in Tabaqat Al Kubra mentioned a hadith told by Ismail bin Uyasy from Yahya bin Sa'id from Sa'id bin Musayyab explained by Prophet Muhammad PBUH that there were Sam/Shem, Haam and Yafith/Japheth whom were the sons of Nuh/Noah (after the big flood). Each of them had 33 children. There! The name of Yafith mention by Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

Meanwhile in the first verse in Genesis 10, stated, "This is the account of Shem, Ham and Japheth, Noah's sons, who themselves had sons after the flood". There! Once again the name of Yafith/Japheth mentioned.

In fact for those who love mythologies, should be familiar with Iapetus (one of the Titans, god in ancient Greek) and also Jupiter (one of the gods in Roman myth). Look how similar the sound of their names (once said) to Yafith/Japheth/Prajapati. Isn't this a very exciting coincidence?

What if all these figures turn out to be the same person? Shouldn't this mean that the statement of Prophet Muhammad PBUH that "all man are kins", was true enough. This could be the very foundation in beginning the first step to find other similaries, so that finally we could stop all these fights.

Si botak smiled. A fine thread could mend the biggest tear in Anak Pakcik Budin's pants. It would be so wonderful if this fine similarity could then mend the biggest fights that claimed to be in The Lord's name. It would be so wonderful...
6 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    salam buat nizam dan moeha..

    since i've know u all on ym yesterday i would like to ask u to give feedback on any problem with regards to the acccessability as an OKU...

    our ministry is dealing with OKU problems and Akta OKU 2008 is still under further clarification whether it works well or not...

    so..i hope if u have any frens with OKU backgrounds...let me know ur problems, so that i can forwarded the problems to be put into the Act....

    nice knowing u two n may Allah bless both of u:)

  2. Kay Says:

    entry yg bagus lagik menarik....
    (^_^) have a lovely day!

  3. Kay Says:
    This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Hi there,

    What an interesting article. What an outstanding blog. I wonder why not many people come here. Maybe Malaysians love more sensationalised issues and not knowledge. What a shame. Keep on writing.

    yours truly,

    Mark Greene

  5. a Says:

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