Saudaraku... My Kins...
As usual, si botak refuses to comment. Si botak just tries not to decide whether any sect to be right or wrong. It is because si botak tries to follow the second principals of Imam Hassan al Banna's ten principles which is; we start by considering everyone who declares shahadah as our companion and part of the Muslim group.
The wise man is he who tied his tongue except for the mention of Allah.
Maka kali ini si botak nak kongsi satu lagi coretan ringkas namun penuh maksud yang tersirat oleh Sheikh Sa'adi. Kalau di entri yang lalu, si botak memetik kisah di dalam kitab Bustan karangan Sa'adi, kali ini si botak nak kongsi petikan daripada kitab Gulistan yang kalau dialihbahasakan, maknanya ialah Taman Mawar.
Si botak loves this very fourth quatrain of the 8th chapter from Gulistan. Sheikh Sa'adi, the persian poet, talked about a very important topic here i.e.; the importance of abstinence. We are all human. Absolutely created to have needs and desire. Yet, the very needs and desire feared by Sheikh Sa'adi are the one that shall lead mankind to their own destructions.
This type of needs and desire are being played off by the western capitalists in order to keep on invading us. Maybe some will assume that si botak is being nonsense. Still, the truth is we are being occupied and it is worst compared to the day before we achieved our independence. Find it hard to believe?
If we were to go out on a date, where would we go for a meal? KFC, McDonald, Pizza Hut, isn't it? If to buy clothes, it would definitely be Adidas, TopMan, Padini, isn't it? Let say by the time we are eating out, spoon and fork shall be used, isn't it?
Si botak doesn't want to cast any first stone. Si botak is also in a process of getting rid of the idea where 'western lifestyle and merchandise are better'. Why don't we try it together...
Al Baqarah:31-33
Then, why our children are being teach of the complete opposite? The more unfortunate part is, why we let it be? No wonder our children are so strange. They are confused...
Klisé. Perkataan ini semakin luas digunakan. M.Nasir gunakan di dalam karyanya. Penulis - penulis skrip drama TV dan filem juga selalu gunakannya. Rakyat Malaysia juga mula gunakan perkataan ini secara meluas. Soalnya kini, apakah kita menggunakan perkataan ini secara tepat atau kena pada tempatnya?
Apa itu klisé? Perkataan yang berasal dari Perancis ini nampaknya semakin meniti di bibir rakyat Malaysia. Bagaimana lahirnya perkataan ini? Kata ini sebenarnya sangat berkait rapat dengan industri percetakan. Plat atau bongkah huruf yang digunakan berulangkali, misalnya satu bongkah huruf 'a' yang akan digunakan berkali - kali sehingga proses percetakan selesai akan dipanggil 'stereotype'. Bongkah ini dicipta oleh Firmin Didot pada 1798 dan namanya diambil daripada perkataan Greek yang sebenarnya bermaksud 'teguh dan padat', bersesuaian dengan keadaan bongkah yang padat serta teguh untuk diguna berulangkali. Di Perancis, bongkah ini dipanggil klisé lantaran bunyi yang dihasilkan apabila bongkah ini digunakan untuk mencetak.
Namun pada 1922, Walter Lippmann menerusi karyanya, 'Public Opinion', memperkenal istilah 'stereotype' atau 'klisé' sebagai terma mewakili sifat sesuatu konsep yang digunakan secara berulangkali di mana akhirnya konsep itu akan menjadi kebiasaan atau menajdi label bagi sesuatu subjek. Istilah ini akhirnya berkembang menjadi penentu sifat dan budaya serta dijadikan alat melabel sesuatu masyarakat, baik dari aspek negatif mahupun positif, misalnya lelaki masyarakat Afrika dianggap mempunyai zakar yang besar, masyarakat Islam dianggap ganas, masyarakat Perancis dianggap sebagai bangsa yang cukup berseni dan sebagainya. Ini adalah 'stereotype' atau 'klisé' bagi setiap kaum atau bangsa di dunia. Ia boleh jadi mewakili kebenaran mahupun menjadi alat untuk menimbulkan keraguan terhadap sesuatu kaum.
Namun berbeza di dalam industri kreatif. Terma 'stereotype' atau 'klisé' mewakili penggunaan bahan atau topik malah ayat ayat serta perlambangan secara berulangkali yang akhirnya membawa kepada satu karya yang mudah dijangka jalan ceritanya mahupun sudah dipamerkan berkali kali sebelumnya menerusi karya lain. Ini akan menjadikan sesuatu karya itu hilang keistimewaannya dan tidak lagi membawa kesan yang mendalam. Terma ini mula diperkenal oleh dua orang pengkritik seni tersohor, David Mason dan John Frederick Nims menerusi kritikan terhadap hasil karya Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech, Marquis of Púbol yang pertama. Karya Salvador Dalí dianggap 'stereotype' atau 'klisé' kerana sering menggunakan perbandingan kegebuan pipi wanita dengan kecantikan bunga mawar.
Apapun, yang pasti terma 'stereotype' atau 'klisé' ini terpulang kepada penilaian setiap individu di dalam menentukan ianya sesuatu yang positif atau sebaliknya. Jadi kenapa perlu kita menganggap bahawa perkataan ini hanya untuk sesuatu yang buruk dan mengucapkan perkataan 'stereotype' atau 'klisé' di dalam nada yang cukup negatif?
'Stereotype' atau 'klisé'kah bila kita menceritakan kisah yang masih istimewa dan memberi kesan kepada diri pencerita serta pihak yang terlibat? 'Stereotype' atau 'klisé'kah bila cerita kesusahan serta kedukaan insan yang mampu menimbulkan keinsafan biarpun diulang berkali - kali? 'Stereotype' atau 'klisé'kah bila si botak membuka pekung di dada mengenai abang ipar yang makin melupakan anak anak demi melayan keluarga barunya? Sedangkan si botak benar benar berharap agar tiap yang membawa dapat mendoakan agar beliau akan cepat sedar serta mula membaiki kesalahan yang satu ini. Kesilapan yang bakal membuat anak anak beliau membenci dan menaruh dendam kepada bapa mereka sendiri. Si botak juga rela menyelak pekung ini agar tiap yang membaca dapat mempelajari sesuatu biarpun sekelumit cuma. 'Stereotype' atau 'klisé'kah?
Mungkin sudah tiba masanya kita mengetahui sebanyak mungkin tentang sesuatu istilah sebelum kita gunakannya secara melulu.
Cliché. A word that widely used nowadays. M.Nasir used it in his songs. TV and film script writers used it regularly too. Malaysian are using it regularly too. The question is, does this very word used correctly?
What is cliché? This French word seems to be uttered mostly by Malaysian. How this word discovered? It is actually a word associated with a printing industry. A single printing plat cast of letters used repeatedly, for instance a block of an 'a' which to be regularly used in a printing until its done known as 'stereotype'. This plat was invented by Firmin Didot in 1798 and of Greek origin, literally meaning 'solid-kind', fit to the very nature of the block that is solid and firm as to be used repeatedly. In France, this very same block known as cliché through the sound it makes during the printing process.
Yet in 1922, Walter Lippmann through his work, 'Public Opinion', introduced the term 'stereotype' or 'cliché' as to represent a nature or to describe a repeatedly used concept where finally the concept turns to be a label for its subject. This term finally evolved into a tool to describe as well as labeling a community, negatively or positively, for examples, African men are assumed to have big penis, Moslems are terrorists, French are highly artistics and so forth. These are the 'stereotype' or 'cliché' for each races on earth. It could show the truth or just simply a tool used to raise suspicion over that particular community.
It is though rather different in the creative industry. Whereby the term 'stereotype' or 'cliché' is used to state the repeatedly used of materials, topics, even words and sentences that finally lead to a work that is too predictable or already shown before. This shall make that particular work of art to lose its speciality and would fail to leave an effective impact. The term was first used by two notable critics, David Mason and John Frederick Nims through their critics on the work of Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech, the 1st Marquis of Púbol. Salvador Dalí's work taken to be 'stereotype' or 'cliché' for always using a comparison of roses' beauty when talking about the flabby cheek of a lady.
What ever it is, the term 'stereotype' or 'cliché' is actually up to one's judgement. So why we have to assume that the words are mainly for something negative and use it in a demeaning manner?
Is it 'stereotype' or 'cliché' when we talked about an incident that is still special and set an effective effect to the teller and any parties involved? Is it 'stereotype' or 'cliché' to tell a misery or sad stories of others when it still effective each time told? Is it 'stereotype' or 'cliché' when si botak chose to air family's dirty laundry of an in law that seems to take his own children for granted? Where si botak is truly hoping that each of the reader could pray so that si botak's in law shall realise his mistake and quickly right the wrong? His misdeed to the children might lead the poor kids to hold a grudge over their own father. Si botak also willing to shade this sad story as to share and hoping it might benefit all. Is it 'stereotype' or 'cliché'?
Maybe it is time for us to learn as much as we could before we start to apply any terms.
Salam 1Malaysia! Saya Muha Aziz, seorang OKU masalah penglihatan & fizikal (menggunakan kerusi roda) dari Pekan, Pahang yang kini menetap di Kajang, Selangor. Saya ingin berkongsi dua kisah yang berbeza namun cukup signifikan di dalam menilai perlaksanaan Piagam Pelanggan yang berkesan. Saya bukan ingin menghentam mahupun memburuk – burukkan mana – mana pihak, namun sekadar berkongsi pengalaman.
Saya mengadu kepada Biro Aduan Komuniti Pemuda UMNO di Solaris Duta Mas akan permasalahan kewangan yang saya hadapi pada 21 Oktober 2009. Saya tidak memohon bantuan kewangan hanya sekadar meminta khidmat nasihat serta pandangan pihak ketiga di dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang saya hadapi kini.
Setibanya di sana, saya diberi layanan yang cukup memuaskan oleh Cik Ina, (maaf saya tidak dimaklumkan nama sebenar dan jawatan beliau) yang saya anggap mungkin merupakan pembantu tadbir atau mungkin kerani di situ. Cik Ina mengambil aduan saya dan berjanji pegawai yang bertugas akan menghubungi saya secepat mungkin.
Malangnya, setelah seminggu, tiada sebarang respon daripada Pihak Biro Aduan Komuniti UMNO. Kebetulan pula saya memperoleh bonus hari lahir daripada pembekal sistem selular, maka saya hubungi mereka dan Cik Ina sekali lagi melayani saya dengan cukup baik. Malangnya saya masih belum dapat bercakap dengan pegawai yang bertugas.
Saya berdiam diri dan menanti dengan penuh harapan. Namun masih tiada sebarang respon daripada pegawai berkenaan. Maka pada 8 November 2009 yang lalu, saya menghantar khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) secara panjang lebar kepada Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ketua Biro Aduan Komuniti Pemuda UMNO
Apa yang lagi menyedihkan ialah, Y.Bhg. Dato’ juga tidak memberi sebarang respon terhadap aduan yang dikemukakan melalui khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) secara panjang lebar berkenaan. Namun pada pukul 12:14 tengahari tadi, Cik Ina menghubungi saya dan memberi respon.
Persoalannya kini, adakah Cik Ina (yang berkali – kali mengakui bahawa beliau tidak dapat membuat keputusan dan perlu berbincang dengan pegawai yang bertugas) merupakan individu yang tepat untuk membantu di dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan saya? Mengapa Y.Bhg. Dato’ berkenaan langsung tidak mengambil inisiatif untuk menghubungi saya secara peribadi sekurang – kurangnya untuk menunjukkan keikhlasan pihak Pemuda UMNO?
Kini berbalik pula kepada kisah kedua yang hampir sama situasinya namun lain pula impaknya. Bersempena hari ulang tahun kelahiran saya, rakan – rakan serumah telah bersepakat membawa saya ke Sunway Lagoon untuk meraikan hari berbahagia itu. Malangnya, berlaku insiden salah faham antara kami dan pihak Sunway Lagoon. Di mana mereka mengamalkan sistem sekuriti yang sungguh cekap namun gagal untuk memaklumkan kami sewaktu proses pembelian tiket. Ini akhirnya menyebabkan saya tidak dapat menikmati keseronokan di Taman Permainan Sunway Lagoon.
Saya membuat aduan kepada Pengurus yang bertugas, namun disebabkan kedua – dua pihak sedang marah maka tiada keputusan yang baik diperoleh. Saya beredar dan terus ke Sunway Pyramid sementara rupa – rupanya Pengurus berkenaan cuba mencari saya agar dapat memulangkan kembali wang kepada saya. Setibanya di Sunway Pyramid, saya yang masih cuba mengawal marah telah mendekati seorang Pengawal Keselamatan yang cukup baik hati, bernama Encik Abdul Rahman. Beliau dengan pantas mencadangkan agar saya cuba memanjangkan ketidakpuasan hati saya ini kepada pihak pengurusan Sunway Pyramid (Meskipun kedua – dua tempat ini adalah di bawah pengurusan yang berlainan, namun diketuai oleh CEO yang sama).
Saya akhirnya dilayan dengan cukup cemerlang oleh Cik Loo Hoey Theen, Pengurus Pemasaran Sunway Pyramid. Beliau merupakan seorang kakitangan yang cekap dan cukup bersopan – santun. Apa yang menarik ialah, beliau dan Sunway Pyramid sedang cuba sedaya upaya mencari input agar Sunway Pyramid akan jadi lebih mesra pelanggan. Setelah kami berbincang, beliau berjanji akan memastikan aduan saya mendapat layanan sewajarnya daripada pihak mereka.
Beliau juga bersusah payah mengaturkan satu majlis keraian bagi memeriahkan kembali sambutan hari lahir saya di Secret Recipe. Kami ditemani oleh salah seorang kakitangan di sana, Cik Anuradha (yang rupa – rupanya juga berasal dari Pekan, Pahang.
Setelah semuanya berakhir, rakan – rakan saya memutuskan untuk melihat – lihat sebentar di sekitar Sunway Pyramid sebelum berangkat pulang. Tiba – tiba saya dihubungi oleh Encik Loke Kah Peng, Eksekutif Senior dari Jabatan Perhubungan Awam Sunway Lagoon. Beliau bertegas mahu menemui saya dan akhirnya kami bertemu di kawasan rehat di pinggi balkoni Sunway Pyramid (meskipun beliau berkali – kali mengajak saya untuk minum kopi). Pertemuan kali ini memberi gambaran yang lebih jelas dan kedua – dua pihak dapat menjernihkan suasana keruh yang tercetus. Pihak Sunway Laggon juga melalui Encik Loke Kah Peng, bertegas agar saya menerima wang yang dikembalikan.
Syabas saya ucapkan kepada pihak Sunway Lagoon dan juga pihak Sunway Pyramid. Nampaknya Piagam Pelanggan kalian adalah sangat berkesan dan mencapai satu standard yang sangat membanggakan. Teruskan usaha murni kalian!
Sekarang jika diperhatikan, dua insiden berbeza yang sebenarnya membawa konotasi yang sama. Biro Aduan Komuniti Pemuda UMNO mewakili UMNO di dalam memperkasa laungan slogan 1Malaysia, ‘Rakyat didahulukan’, namun terbukti gagal berbuat demikian. UMNO perlukan rakyat lebih daripada rakyat perlukan UMNO. Jika hal sebegini terus diamalkan bukan sahaja oleh Biro Aduan Komuniti Pemuda UMNO malah oleh semua sayap UMNO, maka tidak hairanlah jika pada PRU ke-13 yang akan datang, UMNO mungkin berada di kerusi pembangkang di dalam Parlimen. Wallahua’lam.
Salam 1Malaysia! I am Muha Aziz, a disabled which suffers from lost of sight and wheelchaired bound from Pekan, Pahang that current stays in Kajang, Selangor. I would love to share two separate incidents yet carried the same significant in evaluating the efective execution of Custumer Service. I would not want to condemn nor staining any parties, yet just wish to share experiences.
I was seeking help from Biro Aduan Komuniti Pemuda UMNO in Solaris Duta Mas on 21 Oktober 2009 regarding my financial difficulties. I did not ask for financial help just asking for consultation as well as a third party view in helping me to solve my current financial break down.
Once i reached there, i was given an excellent treatment by Cik Ina, (i must apologise as i was not informed of her full name and her post) which i assumed to be a clerk there. Cik Ina filed my complaint and promised that an officer should be back to me as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, after a week passed by, i still had not receive any responds from Biro Aduan Komuniti UMNO. As i was rewarded by my cellular provider for my birthday, i took that opportunity to call them and as usual Cik Ina once again nicely attended my call. Yet i had not been given the opportunity to speak to the officer.
Then, i decided to remain silent and waiting. Still, there was no respond from them. Thus, on 8 November 2009, i sent SMS to Y.Bhg. Dato’ Head of Biro Aduan Komuniti Pemuda UMNO
To my despair, Y.Bhg. Dato’ also did not respond to my complaint through that particular SMS. Yet, on 12:14pm today, Cik Ina called me and reponded to my complaint.
The question is, is Cik Ina (whom repeatedly confessed that she is not the decision maker and need to consult her officer) is the right person to help me in my problem? Why did not Y.Bhg. Dato’ even try to take the iniciative to at least call me in showing Pemuda UMNO’s sincerity in helping the people?
Now i would like to draw attention to the other similar incident with a different impact. As to celebrate my birthday, my housemates decided to take me to Sunway Lagoon. Unfortunately, there was a miscommunication where by the Sunway Lagoon practise a very effective security yet they failed to inform us during the ticketing process. This lead to a huge disappointment when i could not enjoy the Amusement Park in Sunway Lagoon.
I lodged a complaint to the attending officer, yet due to both parties anger there was no good solution obtained. I took off to Sunway Pyramid in the meanwhile the officer was looking for me as to give me a full refund. In Sunway Pyramid, i was still unsatisfied approached a very sweet and nice Security Guard, Mr Abdul Rahman. He then suggested that i lodged my report the the Sunway Pyramid Management (though both place are govern by the same CEO, yet they are both separatedly under different management)
I was finally entertained by Miss Loo Hoey Theen, Sunway Pyramid Marketing Manager. She appeared to be a decent and excellent staff representing Sunway Pyramid. The Sunway Pyramid is trying their very best in providing a better mall as to serve all sort of customers. After a very soothing and comfortable discussion, to my surprise she arranged for a birthday party for me in Secret Recipe. We were then escorted by Miss Anuradha (which also from Pekan, Pahang.)
It went well and we bid farewell. Then i was contacted by Mr Loke Kah Peng, Senior Executive from the Public Relation of Sunway Lagoon. He insisted to meet me and finally had our meeting just by the balkony (though he repeated asking me for a drinks) This meeting was so successful as both parties managed to clear things up. The Sunway Laggon through Mr Loke Kah Peng, insisted so that i accepted the full refund.
Kudos to the Sunway Lagoon and pihak Sunway Pyramid. It seems that your Customer Service are so effective and undoubtedly had reach a very outstanding standard. Keep it up!
Now if both incidents to be reviewed, both actually bring the same conotation. Biro Aduan Komuniti Pemuda UMNO is representing UMNO in strengthening the 1Malaysia slogan, ‘People first’, yet failed to do so. UMNO needs the people more than the people need UMNO. If this treatment were to be executed by not only Biro Aduan Komuniti Pemuda UMNO but also all components of UMNO, then it is not at all a surprise if the next General Election, UMNO shall be filling the opposition seats in the Parliment. Wallahua’lam

Si botak tried to understand how exactly these idiots feel or think. Yet it was a complete failure as their deeds are inhumane! We have reprimanded and punished them as well as showing the photos and clips of the executions to the public as to create awareness. Yet the pedophiles are increasing. What went wrong? May be these peoples suffer from an illness or hormones disorder.
Si botak is hoping that the authorities shall conduct an intensive investigation at a large scale as to help us fully understand this endless phenomena. The Lord blessed us with these as to provide us with an opportunity to learn and gain something out of it. Why we chose to let it go with just punishing a small group of these idiots whom manage to be reprimanded? Where else the truth is, there are many more out there freely and happily molesting and abusing children.
Si botak could no longer hear the sad stories of child abuse. They are still young and wish only to enjoy this world as much as we do. We have to do something. By just condemning and pushing seem no longer relevant let alone to bring us to solution. We have to be more proactive as to ensure a better world for our children.

Si botak was in hiatus for a week. During that period, si botak was blessed with plenty of time to think thoroughly on various issues. Si botak also proned to be affected by many current as well as not so current issues.
Si botak was then gulped as hearing the sensational news of a young singer from our neighbouring nation in the south. It is said that the singer had been caught in the act with a girl with a thick armhairs. Si botak is not trying to defend that young singer, yet is our way of handling this issue correct? That singer is so young. That singer is bound to commit mistakes. Do our media have to publicly exposed it and put that teen in shame. Wouldn't it be much nicer if we as an adult try to advise that singer instead of smearing his honour. Was it worth it to put this teenager's name in mud as to sell newspaper or to draw more visitors to our blogs?
Si botak smiles. As human we are bound to do mistakes one after another. If the Lord could grant us an endless retribution, why couldn't us?

Si botak was busy as well. Busy having a conversation with Indra, Anak Uncle Sam. A lot of stuffs were talked about. Some were personals. Some could be categorised as gossips. There were a lot lah.
Si botak cherised in fact respected Indra's opinion. Yet while the effort to inhale the suria's (a cigeratte) failed. Si botak gulped.
Little si botak remained silent in protest.
Little si botak said to himself. "Ah, i want to be independent, to be free from these naggings. I had enough!"
So, to Mem Besar, do nag. Si botak doesn't want the independence anymore!!! Happy Independent Day...

Si botak sedang berjeda (pinjam kata kata Syed Munawar, Di Luar Lingkungan) selepas berbuka puasa. Maklumlah terlebih minum air jadi perut agak meragam. Padan muka si botak, dah dipesan berkali kali, "jangan minum air banyak masa berbuka. Nanti kembung perut." namun si botak masih gagal mengawal keinginan yang meluap luap itu.
Telefon berdering.
"Botak, sudah habis makan?" Ah Chin (tak tahu nama sebenar atau bukan) bertanya. Beliau merupakan saudara yang si botak temui dalam alam ini, alam maya. Tak punya blog. Namun sangat gemar melawat laman laman blog. Jangan terperanjat, satu hari mungkin kalian akan sedar kehadiran Ah Chin di laman anda dengan kata katanya yang sangat telus (tak ada lapik lapik lagi :>)
"Gua ada ikut lu pi itu blog Lawyer Kementelian ???. Gua ada baca itu entry pasat gaji. Lu ada kasi komen dan ada pulak olang sudah marah marah."
Alamak! Nampak gayanya si botak terpaksa dengar Ah Chin berleter.
"I have followed you to ??? Ministry's Lawyer blog. You commented on one entry on payment and pissed somebody off"
Si botak smiled. The conversation had long ended. Yet the truth in Ah Chin's words lingers in si botak's mind. When will our government fix the flow of our PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION SYSTEMS? When will the people be free from the REDTAPES?